Saturday, 27 February 2010

Roasted Vegetable Fusilli with Vegan Pesto

Serves 4

Very easy and very adaptable.
If trying to economize, substitute pumpkin/squash for carrots and parsnips.
In summer, courgettes, summer squashes and peppers would be nice.
Seriously, just throw any veg that you like in.

It's autumn/winter here so I've used the following:

1 medium large butternut squash chopped into 2cm dice- approx 800g when peeled and seeded
1 large onion, chopped, roughly 1 cm dice
2 carrots, chopped, again 1cm dice
2 medium sized courgettes (ok, not sure how seasonal that is)
2 red/yellow bell peppers, seeded and chopped.
dice all vegetables approx same size - looks better and cooks more evenly.

2 tsp vegetable oil
salt and pepper

vegan pesto

500g fusilli (preferably wholewheat)

preheat oven to 180C

mix chopped squash, onion, carrots with oil and seasoning in a large deep sided roasting tin.
roast until soft - approx 20-25 minutes

Add bell peppers and courgettes and return to oven
meanwhile put boiling water in a large saucepan and add 1tsp salt.
Add pasta to boiling salted water, stir initially when water returns to boil to make sure pasta doesn't stick together.

When pasta is al dente, drain.
Take roasted vegetables out of the oven - peppers and courgettes should be just cooked.
Stir pasta in with vegetables in tray, try and incorporate the caramelized pan juices. Stir in pesto.

Serve with salad.

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