Saturday, 18 September 2010

Raw Vegan Banana Ice Cream

I've recently been given an ice cream maker and I've tried some recipes from the "Lick It" vegan ice cream book. The recipes I've tried have been pleasant but quite reliant on coconut cream as a core ingredient, which just makes everything taste like coconut, even the green tea icecream.

As an aside - the chocolate mousse recipe on this website actually makes a pretty good chocolate ice cream, you may need to thin it down with some cream or soy milk for it to churn properly though. 

So I have wanted to try and make a raw ice cream, similar to the Booja Booja ice cream, which we can't get in Inverness, probably a good thing as it was tasty but hella expensive, much like their chocolate, which winks at me from the top shelf of the health food shop every time I go in. This Banana Ice Cream is on the Channel 4 website and I'm looking forward to giving it a go tonight. I'll keep you posted as to how it turns out.

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